
Publisher's Column - June 6, 2020

By Lindsay Keller, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Skokie, Niles, Park Ridge, and Far Northwest Chicago June 6, 2020


I truly believe this. The horrific death of George Floyd has brought this to the forefront of our communities this week. Chicago is such a diverse yet segregated city, and we have seen peaceful protests throughout many neighborhoods and surrounding towns. 

While peaceful protesting is a great way to show your support and advocate for change, I personally, am not a fan of big crowds. They bring me anxiety, even when peaceful. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to show my support. This was best said by @calirock in this Instagram post (I believe):

some are posting on social media
some are protesting in the streets
some are donating silently
some are educating themselves
some are having tough conversations with their friends & family

a revolution has many lanes—be kind to yourself and to others who are traveling in the same direction 

just keep your foot on the gas

I know there has been horrible violence and destruction, as well. It hurts all of us. It’s hard for us to understand and it’s hard to explain to our children. But don’t let that stop you from having those difficult conversations. Show your children the positive that can come from all of this. Show them the images from this article by Forbes and these images shared by Bored Panda. Show them that there is still progress to be made and that together we can overcome these injustices and this hate. Show them that we can be loving and caring communities for all of our families.

I know many of us are asking, "Where do I start?" and "How can I help?" So I made a quick list of some additional resources.

Together we can stand against racism.