
The Fresh Beat Band Introduces their New Animated Series!

By Kristie Glascock December 1, 2014
We just got back from The Fresh Beat Band's show at the Rosemont Theatre which kicks off their animated series due to come out this summer.  Have your kids seen them yet?  They are quite energetic and keep the kids dancing and most of all happy!  

Something I loved that they mentioned while on stage is that what they set out to do is foster kids' imagination with dance.  And that is just what they do!  They have kids dancing like Egyptians (which was great fun because many of us moms remember dancing like an Egyptian to the Bangels), becoming pirates and even rockets!  They taught kids that they can be anything they want to be or do anything they want to do via their own imagination.  

The Fresh Beat Band's new animated series, Fresh Beat Band of Spies, is set to air this summer on Nick Jr.  They intoduced their new mascot, Bo, a monkey as well as their new animated characters which are featured in our article photo.  

If you are looking for a fun, energetic show and group for younger kids to follow I highly recommend turning them on to The Fresh Beat Band.